
Thursday 2 November 2017

Test practice

WALT -  a. Interpreting what word problems are asking me to work out.  

Wednesday 27 September 2017

Number of the week!😁☺️☺️

WALT -  Solve word problems involving ratios and justify our thinking.☺️😀

Find the perimeter of objects 😃😃

WALT -  split numbers into ones and tens to solve subtraction problems

Perfect Punch 😀😀

WALT -  Solve word problems involving ratios and justify our thinking 😀

Baby Flounder 🙃🙂

On the 27th of September ,This morning we went out to the street and got notice that we were gonna go down near the river side  and see pt Englander's catch baby flounder.First we had a assembly out on the court then we sang a waiata,Mr Burt explained what we were going to do,After he explained We got in to two lines and started walking out of school.The juniors were first to walk,then it was the middles,and finally the senior's,we started walking across the road and took a left we went down the street, and all together in one big group we had crossed the road.We went down to see the other Pt englander's lined up when we got there they had all ready started the waiata,we saw that there were pt england children down trying to catch baby flounder.Then we had sang another waiata after we had sang we started walking back the same way we arrived.When we got back to school we had to take are shoes off before we entered the street we sat down and listen to Mr's Telea tell us seniors what we were going to do.Then we went to go to are reading class and started blogging about what we had done this morning...🙂

Monday 18 September 2017